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My boyfriend and I are in an argument because he just doesn't understand. Everyone has the idea that I have this perfect life and I have no reason to be stressed or unhappy. But I am unhappy. And when my boyfriends asks why, and I tell him, he just doesn't understand. He thinks because I have all the material things I could ever want, nothing can cause me problems. And he thinks I should be able to talk to my parents about everything but I just can't. They don't understand either. Whenever I tell my boyfriend something, he just says, "Yeah, the sucks, but you still have it made." I cry at night and I'm trying to figure out why. Even I can't put my finger on it. I just don't know how to make him see that I do have problems right now. I don't want sympathy. I just want him to listen and not say, "It's no big deal." Because some of it is. (Like when talking about my deceased relative... Big deal to me.)


I don't know what to do. I just want someone to understand that my life is NOT perfect. Any advice?



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It seems that you need to be more specific as to what the exact problem is at the moment. I cant see another person saying that because u have material possession that u shouldnt be sad about ur dead relative. The key is not to be vague with ur feelings be specific that way it is easier to understand and cope.

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i completely understand lillady i have the same problem with my friends

but if this keeps happening with your boyfriend i dont think he will change his mind even though he is wrong with everything he says


what i think you should do is find someone in the same position as you and just talk to each other just let everything out and if you dont seem to trust this person in the beging just find someone you can trust and get to know them well believe me when i tryed this a very good friend of mine helped me out alot and i think someone can do the same for you


i hope everything works out for ya

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I went through the things that were bugging me speciffically. I think he just thinks I'm making an excuse for my bad mood lately, which I'm not. I admit, I am in a bad mood, but there are just some things going on lately that have been getting to me. I'm trying to deal with them but it's so hard to not be able to talk about it with someone I love.


He just thinks because my father makes a lot of money ( doesn't mean we have a lot of it right now, either, though...) and I can basically get what I want, when I want, that I have no problems. But I would honestly turn down every materialistic possession. I don't need them. Lately, I haven't allowed anyone to buy me anything because I don't want people to think I'm some spoiled, non-working brat. That's not even true. I just want people to see that. And that I'm not perfect. And my life is not perfect. Just so I can have someone to talk to without them telling me to shut up because I might have everything I'd ever need.


And it's not like I'm rich. My family is actually going through some money problems. WHich makes it even the more upsetting to hear about how rich I supposedly am. I USED to have a lot of money... Things have happened though, to change that. I don't like hearing about money anymore.


I just want someone to talk to without them saying, "It doesn't matter."

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i am sorry but i dont know what to say past what i already did because i am in a simaliar bind i am trying to work threw right now and i really just cant find the answer to it but if i do you will be the first one ill come and try to help i hope eveything works out for you because i know how hard it is to go threw something like that.

im sorry

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