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Quick Question and Advice


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Ok so my question is,

How can I get this girl to put a little more effort into seeing me?

The relationship we have is, we kiss and cuddle and we both know we like each other. We are not together because she wants to get to know me better.

We only get to see each other sometimes at school most of the reason is because she needs a tutor and so I help her out. Rarely, in some occasions when out of school she doesn't put time aside for me. I mean I know she is busy in her part, but every time she wants to see me I put time aside for her. Only once has she threw her plans aside for me, and I had things to do at the time but even though I tossed them aside and hanged out with her that day.

Mainly the question I want answered is; How can I put her to be on the same page as me? Do I make her miss me? maybe distance myself from her? what would you advice me?


Another thing, I asked her in person if she likes me, and she said she does. So I replied by saying I like her too. I then told her if she likes me and I like her why aren't we together yet? she gave me the same response in wanting to get to know me better, but the new thing she added was "I have to fix something first" What does that even mean? I try questioning her about it but she avoided it and said she was joking around. she told me she will tell me later about it but never did, and I didn't even attempt to ask her about it because I'm the type of guy that wants to know things at that exact same moment because in the past I was lied and deceived from changing her real reason to a fake lie(talking about a girl in the past not this one).


So what do you guys think? What can you advice me on this?

Thank you in advance, best to all.

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