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Hey everyone- I am currently living with my ex ( we broke up 2 months ago) she is moving on Saturday and its been very awkward around the house. The first month was spent with me trying to prove to her that we could work out and I could change and show her the love she needs.. At that point it was to late for her. She feels we need to do our own things and be happy and love ourselves before we can love each other. So I'm at the point of acceptance now and I never thought I'd get here! I want to share my words of encouragement because I was so low I felt like the world was coming to an end.. Just a few weeks ago.


First off I know this is the getting back together thread: I am posting here because that is ultimately what I long for because I know we can be great together. However I am no longer waiting for it. I have changed my focus to myself. I have lost 25 lbs I run every morning eat right and make good healthy choices.


I feel so much better about myself and ofcourse I miss her like crazy but I've realized I miss the "old Her" not the ghost of her that's been living with me for 2 months.


If you are at the grieving stage it's okay to take a few days to be sad and cry it feels good and really cleanses you. Just force yourself to be positive and focus the love and every you want to spend on your ex onto yourselves. It will do wonders and your ex will notice eventually. I'm not saying it will change everything ofcourse but it will get you in a much better place!


I hope this rant makes sense. My iPhone makes me seem illiterate!

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I agree, and I think it's important to focus on yourself after big changes like that. It's important to take a self assessment and adjust the things that need to be changed. It's necessary to take a moment to reflect, and make ourselves better so that next time we'll be the person we want to be. I think that if you want to find Mrs. Perfect, you have to be Mr. Perfect. Sometimes it just doesn't workout, but if you improve yourself it'll be easier to find somebody that's more perfect for your. Keep it up! It seems like you have a great frame of mind.

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