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Need quick way to get rid of punch mark.

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Well i got into a little fight with some punk, and let him have it without having to throw a single punch. But the guy got a "not so good hit" on my cheek. But since I have very sensative skin it made a couple small red marks. Im not talking about scars but more of a redness emiting through my pores. I have been using lotion every so often on the area and it seems to help. But is there another home product that most people have that i can use on the area. I gotta fade it by monday for school. Any tips with anything that will help?

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Did you try to ice it? That will make the redness go away, I feel. My husband's had some injuries and the people told him to mix water and rubbing alcohol in a baggy and freeze it, it doesn't freeze completely because of the alcohol in the water. I think it is like 50/50 water and rubbing alcohol.


It is like a slush in there. Keep the baggy sealed, like a zipper locking bag.


Other than that, advil, maybe a little heat on the second day...like get some hot water in a cup and put that close to your face and let the steam rise up. Or put a wash rag over the hot water, then let that rag be close to your face...Good Luck!!

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Woah... you are putting too much trust in vitamin or the wound you got is worse than that redness you described before. Just wait, it will go away. You got in a fight, you got your face damaged. That's called facing the consequences of your actions. Next time you want to get in a fight, take some time to realise that your face might get punched or wear a mask just like Vega does in that game, Street Fighter.



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