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These classes are KILLIN me!


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ok heres deal, im a senior, top 5%, taking all the hard classes. Im use to making A's but this year.. is different.

Economics, the teacher is makin everyone fail on purpose to show how college is like, but some are making a B in his class. im making a C in there.

Physics, the most boring science ever, and Im making a C in it.

PreCalculus, hard math that I cant understand with a butthole teacher on speed teaching it.

Ive gone to both Physics and PreCal tutorials and still cant get it. Both these classes has turned me away from the engineering field. I want out of em but im not a quiter. On the brightside, I took art this year and I really like it, I even got moved up to the next since level I was so good.


anyways, Id appreciate anything like online resources like "this subject" for dummies.

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Hi crizlee,


Being a teacher myself, why don't you ask your teacher for extra help? We teachers love to give extra help - that's our job. If you don't like this option, how about asking your parents to help you pay for some private tutoring? The universitites close to where you live probably has lots of private tutors - just go the physics or math department and ask them if there are any undergraduates or graduate students who do private tutoring - I myself made lots of extra money doing extra tutoring, so I'm sure there are some there.


In anycase, I recommend going to your teachers - its our job to help you - remember!


Good luck.

Kung fu

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