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I need a little help before time runs out


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This post is based on this thread ( link removed ).


Pretty much what that post says is I made up a plan where my best friend and I ask the girl we like to hang out somwhere where it will be the four of us (and avoiding the word "date").


Based on what has happened lately, I feel we better get going on this plan quickly. I don't want to go too quickly but I think if I hold out a bit longer it will be too late. There are only two problems:


1.) He doesn't distinctly like a girl right now or he won't tell me - he said it might be better if it was me and her (he thinks she'll say yes if I asked her directly, but I don't think she will based on what I've seen)

2.) He somehow thinks I'm better at asking girls about this than he is, and I have to be the talker. He's talked to more girls than I have, but somehow, I'm the man for the job. Go figure.


Pretty much, all I think I'm going to ask her is if she would want to chill with me, my best friend, a friend of hers (I dunno who yet) and herself sometime (but soon). I want my friend and her friend to be there because it will make things a lot easier. I feel she would say no if I asked her out now, so I think this idea is a good start.


Now I know you already critiqued this. My question though is how should I ask her this or is there a particular way of asking her this in a unique situation? I think bowling could be a good idea-any problems with that?It's like a double date, but not a double date.


Thanks for the help.

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Before I asked my girlfriend out, I took her bowling and it was awesome! it was a rock and bowl thing where they play all kinds of music and have weird lights like neon and black lights, it was really cool, sounds like a great idea. For some reason it just doesnt seem liek your friend is very interested in doing this, It kinda sounds like he would jsut be doing you a favor and tagging along, if that is the case, i would go without him, It kinda seems weak to bring him anyways, especially for a first date type of thing. I can understand you dont want to say it is liek a date, but maybe you could hook it up with something like this wehn you are talking to her.... Hey' Ive been wanting to go bowling lately, but I cant find anybody to, to u wanna go? or hey, do you wanna hangout sometime besides school, theres a great bowling alley we can go to. I hope that helped a bit, Im definatly no expert in this area.

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Thanks Josh G - I like your idea. I don't know if te bowling place will have all the lights though.


The reason I wanted to get my friend in it is because I feel it is more likely she would agree to go if it was four people instead of just two - more relaxed, the other people can support u, etc, and it would not seem like as much of a "date". Almost a month ago I did ask her out and she said no, BUT I know her a lot better since then. The reason I would want to do it now is b/c I haven't been able to talk to her a ton lately and if the trend continues (we're only in one class and that's all I really see of her), I'm screwed. So while we still talk and get along pretty well, I want to strike and there will be a greater chance of a "yes".


Good advice though Josh G - I like it. Hopefully I have some sort of the success u had!!


If anyone wants to add anything, feel free. Thanx.

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Well, I took Josh G's advice and just asked her when we were alone, but I didn't make it sound like a date. She said yes, much to my relief and told me to talk to her about it later (we had to get to our next classes). She also gave me a smile as we were leaving (but that could also just be cuz she's a nice person).


I don't know how she thinks of it though. I didn't say it was a date (just "hanging out"), but I dunno if she would say yes to everyone. But maybe if this goes well, I could have Josh G's success .

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