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I am in a relationship with a woman younger than I am and how just broke up a long term relationship she was in. Everything was fine at first because she says she didnt love the other and wasnt loved in return. But since the last 4 days now, she has of sung a differet tune. Now all she is saying is she dont us anymore. She cant handle me it seems because of the distance (we are a few states apart) and the feelings. She says she needs to be alone and to be single and she says she is not ready for a relationship. But then she says she is going to keep in touch with her ex and see if they will work out again. If her ex will show some faith in them again. I need advice..I need help for what to do next...pls advice someone, anyone....

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Hi Breakdown,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am sorry to hear that the past few days things have not been so good for you. I understand that your g/f is taking some distance from you and that you feel hurt over it.


Unfortunately you cannot make someone (fall in) love (with) you. It's a feeling that has to come out from inside. Long distance relationships are very difficult, because you miss the closeness of the person you're in love with. Some people can handle being long distant better than others. In case of your g/f it looks like that she can't handle it quite good. You might or might not get back together. Regardless how hard things are, she just wants her space and time.


My suggestion thereforeeeeeee is, that see how long you will wait for her. I hope you understand that you cannot wait forever. If things don't get resolved, wouldn't it be a better idea to move on? Wouldn't it be easier? I understand how difficult that is, because you have feelings for her and they don't go away overnight. Time will heal your wounds, though.


I wish you strength and good luck the coming period and I hope that things will work out with you.


~ SwingFox ~

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