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Their is this girl, and we are sort of together, but not really. The only reason we are not exclusive is because her parents won't let her(so she says). We have sex, except whenever we are at parties, she is all over a lot of guys, and she flirts as if i mean nothing to her. Should i put up with her? or tell her that i've had enough? i need some advice.

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If she doesn't seem to appreciate you, like you said she goes all over guys and doesn't pay attention to you, then I think maybe you should just get over her. So that you don't get hurt later. She might just be using you for the sex. The decision is all up to you, but if I were you I would leave her before the pains get worse and then it will be harder to get over her.

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The reason this is bothering you is because you care for this girl. You are at the point where the limitation of casual sex has become uncomfortable. You need to find out how she feels about you, and also let her know that what she is doing bothers you. It's hard to say depending on how much time you guys spend together to know whether or not she likes you or is just using you. That's what you need to find out though. Good luck!

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Hi Deisel,


The answer of your question is actually in your heart. It is up to YOU to set your boundaries and find out what you accept from her and what not. You are in control of that, you know


Looking to the way you asked your question, it looks like that you dont find this situation acceptable and working for you. Personally I find it hard to believe that her parents say she shouldn't be exclusive to anyone. In most cultures that is not the standard in life, but then again, there's always exceptions to a rule.


Talk to her about your concerns and communicate your needs. See where she will and can meet you in your needs and see where you would want to compromize and meet in the middle. I hope that this will shed a new light on your relationship and I wish you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~

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