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Too much for a 'early' date?

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Hi all,


So I've been hangin' with this girl for a little while. We've hung out with a group of friends, gone to dinner a couple of times, and talked quite a lot on the phone (I've been out of town for over a month). I'm pretty sure she likes me as more than I friend, and I've made it clear that I feel the same way. She also let me know that she wants to take everything slow, and wants to concentrate on her career over any relationship, which I completely respect and agree with. For right now, both of our careers come first.


This brings me to my question... I go home (finally) on Wednesday, we are going to a movie with a bunch of her friends. Cool. I told her that I want one of the days over the weekend to do something fun together. She was cool with that. I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic, and she is too. I want to plan an incredible day, but I don't want to come on too strong and push her away. This is what I want to do; I would appreciate some advice if you think it?s too much, especially since I haven't even kissed her yet.


We live in LA. While there is a lot of stuff to do there, I want to do something over the top, that we will both always remember. I want to rent a plane and fly us out to Catalina Island, do some fun stuff like hiking or bike riding, take a glass bottom boat tour, sit on a patio by the ocean and eat some great food, have a couple of drinks, and then take a nice romantic boat ride back to LA. I don't want to tell her what I am planning, but I don't want to freak her out. The other option would be to take her to Magic Mountain and ride some rides, but the Amusement Parks are so crowded on the weekends.


Is this too much? Should I let her know what I am up to so she doesn't feel pressured?

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Thanks for your input. I figured it was a bit much, but at the same time, why not. The whole plane rental thing is not that big of a deal, I'm a pilot and do it quite often and she knows that. I'm a bit over the top in general as far as personality goes. Maybe I will find something more tame, I just want it to be very memorable.

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Flying to Catalina is great as long as you know for a fact that she can handle an airplane ride. If she hasn't taken any small plane ride, chances are she'll freak out more than she'll love you. I think if you want something romantic, you can pretty scratch out what they do on "blind date" Try something that you both share an interest in. It doesn't have to be over the top, you can do a morning walk over Griffith park, or walk the santa monica beach, order out from her favorite restaurant, serve it with her favorite blockbuster video. I think as long as you show an effort, she'll know, and chances are she will feel more comfortable. Let's face it, if you're not James Bond 7 days a week, why be a hero in front of her when you're not sure if she'll like it?


P.S: Do you know if Cataline has any tie-down fee for transient parking?

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