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Is there a surgical process to stop orgasm permanently?

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Know it sounds weird but is there any way at all, other than penectomy to prevent orgasm forever?


You could look up the chemical route. And you wouldn't be alone, must be thousands of guys/men who tries every year. If your having a problem as you see it, you should seek medical help from where you can obtain the proper stuff("medications") and knowledge about alternatives and risks with the way you choose to go.

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Everythings relative. A blessing for some might be a burden by others.

In this case I don't want to assume anything about the thread-starter, but to alot of people for example an over-active labido/sex-drive can be very destructive in the long run (sort of like drugs I guess). Or what about those women with that syndrom I can't remember who have 100 orgasms per day -- I saw something about it on the telli, a documentary --, they didn't see it as a wonderful thing and "would much rather never have one again".

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Some of you have been SO incredibly INCONSIDERATE and INSENSITIVE!


There are LOTS of reasons someone might want to have a procedure like the one being asked about!


There are people who actually have MEDICAL CONDITIONS that cause them to orgasm *FOR NO REASON* at *ANYTIME*! Some of you may think "Wow, I wish I had that condition!", but you have to think of the other aspects of it.


Imagine being in public, having constant orgasms, and doing your best to try to hide it to save yourself humiliation. Imagine going for nights on end without sleep because your body is constantly responding in sexual ways. Imagine being afraid to drive a car for fear you'll get caught up in an orgasm and kill someone in a wreck. I could go on and on. It wouldn't be all it's cracked up to be, that's for sure.




Imagine a child molester who can only "get off" when he has sex with children. He wants to stop, but his sexual desires control him. So, he chooses to be chemically castrated (or have a procedure like the one in question) so he will no longer HAVE those desires.




There are NUMEROUS other reasons, too. Just because YOU wouldn't want an operation like this is absolutely NO reason to RIDICULE someone who does, and I find it incredibly rude and irresponsible that that is the route of response most of you are taking!

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