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is it wrong

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legally its fine (in the uk i think anyway)


The thing that would bother me is how much do you have in common with someone that much older than you. Do you share interests etc or do you just fancy him, is it his money....then again depends what sort of relationship you are looking for...


Is it wrong? i don't know - i personnally wouldn't feel comfortable if one of my friends were in simular gap situation - but it doesn't mean i'm right...

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Just think that he has 12 additional years of experience/knowledge than you do. It is possible that he could manipulate the situation to his advantage. You also want to think about why he is interested in a 17 year old (maturity wise, some where his age)? Just think about things before you get into the situation.

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I have a friend who is over 30. I've known him for a long time. I know his ways with women. He told me once that he had picked up this 18 year old girl while she was waiting for the bus. He told me that his intentions were to sleep with her. He had no real interest in being in a serious relationship with her.

I called him a cradle robber.


Anyway, they went out on one date and he never called her again. I can't control what my friend does, but I was disapproving of this entire thing. My friend is not a dangerous person, but he is definitely a person who's intentions are all for sex.


You should find someone closer to your own age for a romantic relationship. Believe me, it's so much more fun that way.

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Hi Seababy,

Usual first impressions to your sort of situation is that the guy must just be after sex or people wonder how two people 12 years apart could ever have an interest in each other. Well people are not usually that pragmatic and sensible about who they fall for. People meet and sometimes just "connect" magically. I'm 16 years older than my wife. We met when she was a couple years older than you. We've been married for over three years and it keeps getting stronger. We talk a lot, do everything together, and have many interests in common. Just because she's younger doesn't mean she has no brain (she's smarter than me!) and just because I'm older doesn't mean I'm a pervert. Sure, we get the usual judgements that go along with a situation like ours, but we laugh it off. I say: if you feel that your relationship is equal and genuine and real, go for it! Follow your heart and be happy. Good luck!

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Be careful! Take care of yourself.


Other than that, it's not wrong.


This guy who won Kendo championship after 3 years of learning kendo... (genius.. omg \0/) well, his wife is 14 years younger than him. The two of them grew up together, he was even there at the hospital when she was born and he virtually helped her parents raise her. Now they're happily married for almost 20 years. ^_~ I haven't seen another man who's so much in love with his wife. Even now he just lightens up everytime he gets a chance to talk about his wife. According to him, she's perfect! There's nothing wrong with her. Smart, beautiful, understanding, strong, interesting... ^^; I hope that'll be your case. I hope anyways. >_


Still, keep in mind that you have to protect yourself and don't let what tiger lilies described happen to you okay?

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