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having rumors told about me

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well @ my school there is a rumor going around that i sleep around or that i have been around the block(if you kno what i mean) and i kno that it isn't true....so what do i do i mean it hurts really bad to walk down the hallway and when people walk by you and mumbol soemthing under their breath or whisper something to each other and start giggling.. and i have told them numorsous times that its not true and what not...but it still goes on what do i do to help my situation or to stop the rumors......????

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Unfortunetly there isn't much you can do to stop it.


Do you know who has been spreading these rumors around?


If you keep yelling at the people who are talking about you, they will assume it's just true and keep talking.


The best thing (and hardest) is to ignore them and it will go away in time.

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I have been in your shoes, so many times. You would not believe some of the rumors I have heard about myself and I use to get so upset, but now when I hear then I find them absolutely hilarious.


The only way is to ignore them. Sometimes it is hard but if you do not react then they'll find it's no fun to pick on you and move on. Trust me I know. So, just ignore them and they'll go away with time.


If you get mad, they'll realize that they are getting what they want and keep doing it, do NOT get mad.



Good luck.



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