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does she like me?

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ive been known to have a lot of girl friends and not as many guys friends...and this one girl ive reeli started liking...she is alot like me...short outgoing not very shy, ok ill start from wen i met her so u have more details fer better advice... ok we first met wen.. well i was with my friends and i was very cold and shivering and she just walked up to me and said hi and hugged me and that was ..wowish ok then after that we started knowing each other more and i guess i flirt with her alot i walked her once to her water polo practice, she asked me if i thot she was ugly and i said she was very pretty... we both say to each other how awesome the other one is... we dont reeli hang out at lunch because i play football at lunch... and we have no classes together but we might go to the movies with friends this weekend and she mite be going... and well thats a quick summery of the 2 weeks ive known her

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Who knows man, nobody knows what girls are thinking. Most of them seriously don't know what they're thinking half the time. Anyway, I wouldn't read into this stuff so much man. She might just be flirting with you and that's it. If you seriously want a relationship with this girl then just ask for one.


I'm just not sure that she'd say yes at this point and time.

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