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he's 13 going on 14 but acts like 12

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Micheal is 13 and an 8th grader. He'll turn 14 in July. I'm 15, turning 16 in May. He likes me..and I like him. It's been a while since I've gone out, or have been asked out. Feburary was my last relationship and so I've had NO sexual contact or anything since then. It's tearin me to pieces lol. I think thats one reason why I like micheal. Plus he cares for me, he's a good guy and fun to be around. But he DOES act a little immature..ok a lot. He doesn't like to touch on the whole touchin subject but I'm breakin him down.


I kinda wished I didn't like him b/c I know it's weird being a sophmore and him being an 8th grader. I think I just miss that contact with someone and having someone and since he's right there...I take that chance.


There's someone else who's actually my age, but, I don't see myself with him as much as I see myself with Micheal.

I guess I'm sorta venting but also asking for your advice. Anythin will help just don't be too judgemental I know my boundries and I know where I stand.

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I dont see anythin wrong with goin out with him as long as you know that you like him and its not just the fact that you want a b/f.


Also, soz but i really dont get the american high school system, could sumone explain to me what sophmores and seniors and all that lot are because being from england its not something i come accross and i havent got a clue what it is when i see it in posts like this.

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I don't think you're going to want to get involved with someone who isn't as mature as you are. It's just not a good idea because of all the fights that it starts.


My ex seriously acted like she was 12 and we were 16 and it was just awful. I seriously hated her from time to time.. but eventually she got better. She still acted very immature though, and it led to the downfall of our relationship.

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The*Iceman -- When you get into high school the grades have names. 9th graders are caled Freshmen, 10th graders are called Sophmores, 11th graders are called Juniors, and 12th graders are called Seniors.


Now to the problem--

One big thing to realize is that with teenagers, a two year difference is a very big difference maturity wise. It's not the same as it is with adults. Michael may not be ready to be as mature as you are. You have to keep in mind that he is an eighth grader and he's always around kids his age who act just like him. He might not know how he's supposed to act around you.


I'm not quite sure what my advice to you is....but this is what I thought of when I read your post. I hope it gives you some help, and good luck!

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