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On this other forum a guy took a poll... asking girls to choose between


1. a really hard penis 4.5 inches and 4.5 around

2. a really wide one but only 4.5 inches and not particularly hard.

3. a really long one that's only 4.5 around and not particularly hard.


Most girls chose number 1, a lot chose nubmer 2, and one chose number 3.


It seems like hardness is what really matters, width comes second and length hardly matters at all.


As of me, I really don't know. I haven't had that much experience and I have no idea how big bf's penis is except it's really too wide/long for me.

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Well yes the firmer the penis, the more contact it has with the walls of the vagina. One thing most guys don't realize is that the most sensitive part of the vagina is the first two inches and the same goes for the male penis where the most sensitive part is the rim surrounding the glands. So gentlemen many of you may ask, how do you get ur firmer erection? Well in another post, I explained that you need to exercise your "PC" muscle. Ladies you can also use this technique to make ur vagina tighter as well but ur's is not called a PC muscle.


Gentlemen, what to do, is use the muscles you use to hold in ur crap? You guys know what it's like when you gatta go but ur surrounded by beautiful hunnies so u try to suck it up. Well contract and relax that very same muscle for as many repititions as you want and you can do this everyday, at anytime bc it's very discreat and it's not very difficult. The end result of this, is a frimer, longer lasting erection and much improved bloodflow. You will notice that ur penile bloodvessels will also increase in girth.


Ladies, follow this technique but use the muscles that help you hold in ur urine, continue contracting and relaxing for as long as you want. The end result is better control over ur vagina muscles and you can tighten or loosen them around your partner to help him cum quicker or help delay his orgasms. You'll find that when you both are coming closer to orgasm, it will also be stronger and u'll ejaculate more often. (yes ladies you will now ejaculate once you've mastered this).


So yeah as you see, size is myth that needs to be squashed. Yes having a bigger penis makes u feel more confident but it can alos make u complacent; thinking that ur the ultimate sex god when in fact ur size doesn't even determine her pleasure. Technique is the key alwasy remember that.


Any questions, send me a private message and I'll try to clarify as best I can what I just explained here. So, go excercise and work on ur technique ppl, and let me know how well u've progressed.

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well t, u don't have to learn it bc it's natural for you to move ur muscels down there. however, by exercising them, you'll make them stronger and gain better control over them. so keep practicing and u'll notice a greater enhancement in ur pleaure and excitement.


8) have fun

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