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My dog died tonight and I'm so busy...

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I'm falling apart... this is going to be hard to write without using swears...


This week so far and it's following 2 days have been packed with homework for me, my new seasonal job employers have been screwing me around giving me my hours, not to mention my general disarray with getting somewhere socially at school (community college).


Then I get a call from my grandmother tonight that my dog died. He was almost 12. Well, he was more my mom's dog, but I grew up with him. She's in hysterics, and I'd have to be the one to pick him up and move him and all that.


I go to their house, I have to console my mother and make sure she doesn't get heart failure or something from her crying, and have to take the dog and wrap him up and all that. When I returned to my house, I had to ask my dad if they could borrow $200 for the cremation. I did ALL of this without showing sadness, because I knew I had to stay calm to keep my mother calm. Even I noted afterwards how chilling I was, considering my history of emotion. I'm pretty sure it'll hit reality in the morning.


But I still have a tonload of homework to do by tomorrow, and even more by Thursday. I've got pretty sympathetic teachers... so I'm considering asking for the class off and facing the late penalties (comm. college is soooo more like high school rather than university).


But I feel bad too because not only do I not really have anybody to talk to about it besides an internet chat forum, a couple AIM friends, and a therapist I weaned myself off of, I don't even really feel like being 'consoled'. I just want some rl friends to talk to... which is another long and winding story entirely.


Gar. (Anybody remember that?)


RIP Brownie



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