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I want him back:(

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Im in my depressed mood again. To know my story check out my previous posts. I just got a job--working as a dog groomers assistant. I am pretty depressed because I am going from having my own office, being a grpahic designer to a dog groomers assistant. I really need money so I am taking anything and I wanted to work with animals. Im just not making that much money.

Right now is a really tough time for me. And I just really wish I can call my ex and he can comfort me and make me feel better. I miss him sooo much even though hes got his bad qualities I just miss him like crazy. I dont know what to do. its been a little over a month since weve broken up and I still get these bad moods where I am desperate to be with him. Am I kidding myself? Deep down are we really meant to be? I am scared of calling him because I dont want rejection. I just wish hed cme to me and tell me he wants me back. But I dont think he will. I dunno. Im tired of the mood swings. I really miss him right now.

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hey sunflower, i know exactly what your going through. My girlfriend and I broke up about 2 weeks ago and i miss her so much. All I want her to do is call me and come back and when i thought she was going to, she just called and said she had another bf. I can tell you how to get over your depression. I go through bouts of crying all throughout the day. I can tell you the things that help are talking to people and getting outside for a jog. People say stuff like you have to love yourself or you have to gorget about the other person. But we love them so much and it hurts so much to be without them. And while they may not be the perfect match, it feels so good to be with them. I thought i was going to marry this girl and still hope to...believe me, i am 10 times more pathetic than you are. The only thing you can do is make it through one day at a time. People here are here for you and good times lie ahead. You have to have faith in yourself and that if it is desined to be, then it will happen. I will keep you in my prayers that your bf calls, you are not alone.

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Hi sunflower,


I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so down. I understand that you would like to get back with your ex. b/f again.


I am a little concerned over this. Especially when you feel down, it is easy to think of situations that you miss. Your ex b/f would just be comfortable right now, but how is that in a couple of months when you overcame all this. Would you still need him? Would you still accept his dark sides.


I would recommend you to overcome your depression first. Keep working in your job and try to improve things for you jobwise and moneywise. Try to get yourself back on track again. After that if you still feel that you would like to have your b/f back, then evaluate where you have been coming from first. Think of boundaries... what would you accept and not in a relationship. Where could you meet somewhere in the middle with him. Evaluate! But first start to work on yourself.


I hope that this helped you making the right decisions that will work for you and I wish you good luck in what you do.


~ SwingFox ~

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