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Alright, im kinda confused about what to do! please help me

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I was dating this girl last year for about 7 months, it was a steady relationship. but it had its ups and downs.


I truly thought i was in love. I expressed my feelings to her, and it seemed like she was intimidated by it. We broke up january 29 2002. She said it was because me loving her so much made her feel like she had to give me back as much as i was "giving" her. She said it was just overwhelming. Obviously i still love her, she is dating another guy now. Hes one of my friends, so i cant help but be a little jealous...i mean...REALLY JEALOUS, i feel sick when im in the same room as them, i dont understand how a girl can go from liking someone so much, and then changing so quickly! I dont know if i will ever get over her, please tell me what i should do...


and if your a girl tell me what she was trying to tell me...if you even understand

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I'm sorry you're feeling jealous while your ex-gf is now dating one of your guys. It's never easy to let go something you hold so dear, and you have to know that it's not the last love you'll experience. So get out there, meet a new group of people, and you'll feel better in no time. Time to move on!

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I tend to agree to rvr350. Are you meeting new people? Do you have friends? It would be helpful if you'd talk to them about how you feel. It helps you healing and getting over your relationship from last year. Go out with your friends and have fun with them. Meet more people, too.


I know it sounds easy. But the alternative is feeling like this forever. Is that worth it? Life is precious and beautiful. Live your life to the max!


Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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