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How do you light up a room ?

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Has anyone heard of the X factor? I dont really know how to explain it. I guess you can say its when people glow from the inside and it immediately shows from the outside. These people can walk into a room and people will notice them right away even if they arent that good looking. For the ladies out there, you might have experience something similar when you are ovulating. Often, when Im ovulating, Im radiating and people always say I look different and very attractive. People in general are drawn to me and I really do feel an inner glow. I wish I could always feel this way. Some people radiate all the time. Does anyone know what im talking about ? Has anyone read anything about this?

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I know what you mean. It's the confidence that is so empowering. It feels soooooo good when you comand attention without asking for it, just knowing that you have it is such an ego booster!


Can't say that I feel any different when I'm ovulating though. Hmmm....but maybe I'll try to pay more attention around that time to see if I notice a difference.

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check this out, all you have to do is walk into the room like "you're all that" but don't act stuck up or b****y, you can still talk to people even if "you're all that"...and smile. Also, when you talk in front of a crowd talk loud like you want everyone to hear and you don't care what they think of you. And if you are talking one on one with a guy, talk a lil' loud so they can hear you and a few people around you also, but have a sweet tone.

confidence will show

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