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Success Story right here :-)


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Hi everyone, guess I should give you a little back story. In late April this year my ex broke up with me, citing the fact he couldn't do anything serious as the reason (though that was always hard to swallow as the truth).


We broke up and I went NC straight away (really helped) but every few weeks when he was lonely and drunk he'd ask me to come over and I foolishly would (this never helped, made me feel worse. Though only put me back a couple of weeks in my healing I feel)


As the year has gone by the meets have become less and less, and I hadn't even heard from him since early July. Since then I concentratd on my life and low and behold I got over him, I've even met someone else who's lovely!


Now I have my ex calling my landline (because I switched mobile numbers to avoid him) asking if I want to come over, to which I replied no as I've met someone else. He was quite surprised as he thought I was going to wait for him!! So wanted clarification on where we stand (ridiculous)


I was suffering just like most of you here less than 6 months ago, now I feel ... great! I can talk to him and feel amused about the whole thing. He's claimed he's deleted my number (I really hope he has). So hopefully that's that.


Stay NC, keep yourself as occupied as you can and you'll get there!

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3 and 1/2 years relationship...2 Months have passed since she broke up with me. I dont even know the reason for the BU and she was so cold. I was hurt so bad and hoped we would get back together. Finally starting to realise she does not give two sh*ts about me and is not thinking about me at all. I still hope she would come back to me, but I feel as if I am finally moving on; baby steps. It still hurts a heck of a lot and i still love her but I'm figuring out how being single was I guess.

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Yeah the "cold turkey" of no contact is really hard to do but if you allow these people to use you as a puppet when they feel like it then you are just hurting yourself. I fully expect to get calls in the future as I always have from her but if not all well and good. And if I do...well they will go unanswered.


Thebawse...Some people are really good at just cutting off and I too have experienced a woman in my past that just ended it and didn't seam to give a damn! I guess when you have a real heart then that is not possible and you wonder how someone could do that. But they can! The depth of feeling for some people is really not that great and so the release is not that traumatic for them. You sound like me and it hurts and you also beat yourself up over why and how another person should feel. Don't do it, focus on you and the great big heart you have that will be OK and get over the insensitive jerks out there.


Good luck

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Something I cant wrap my head around is she dumped me and ended up deleting me from her life in every way possible. Blocking my phone number, skype deletion, facebook block, etc. I didnt even stalk her or harass her which would as a matter of fact hurt me more...I did text her a few times during the first week of the BU but that was it..then I went NC..She deleted me after no contact started.....Could she possibly be doing this for me in order to not let me hurt so much by seeing her in any form, since shes already completely healed..... My situation is too hard for me to understand alone. Might start a thread of my own explaining the situation.

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