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P90x and knee pain


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I recently starting the workout program P90x. As much as it kicks my butt I really like it and have been pretty good about doing it several times a week. The problem is during wall squats my knees suddenly start to hurt and I have to stop. It feels like something is going to snap. I don't feel it with any other part of the workout.


What can I do to reduce the pain and be able to do my wall squats?

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The knee pain could be caused by not enough stretching or lack of water. Make sure you're doing a great stretching session before you start to work out.

Also, drink lots of water. I'm talking something close to a gallon of water. P90x involves a lot of cardio, and thus a lot of sweating.


If the pain is too much, I would consider getting it checked, before you hurt yourself.

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Don't go down as far and use lighter weights during squats until your knees/thighs have built up more strength.


Might be a knee issue. If it persists past the exercise, you should probably see someone about it. But it might just be that you're pushing your knees harder than they are ready for.


Also, totally agree about stretching/water. NEED to be warmed up before kicking your own butt.

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Bad form. You need to be very conscious of your form when you're working out, especially squats and lunges. Do not let your knee go past your ankle, so you should be at about a 90 degree angle. Stick your butt out more and lean your weight forward less. It feels uncomfortable at first because you feel like you might fall backwards so just don't get as deep into the move and maybe widen your stance a bit too.

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When you squat and your knees hurt, that means you're not in the right form. Your weight should be equally distributed to work on glutes, quads, and knees. I had the same problem before, but when I checked myself in the mirror, it was because I leaned back too much into the swissball while squatting with free weights causing a lot of tension and pain on both my knees and quads. Squat lower, contract your glutes muscle to push yourself up, instead of putting the weight on your feet (hence, knees).

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Not necessary it's a bad form. It could be your shoes.


Without having the proper shoes, it cause feet and knees to be in pain as well.


I would check your shoes before assuming it's bad forms.


Since you are still getting a knee pain, I recommend going to CVS/Walgreens and get Tiger Palm ointment and put it on there and rest for 2 days before getting back on exercise. Also, make sure you have an ice pack on your knee that is in pain.

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