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Working abroad for NGOs and Charities

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This could easily go in the travel section. Anyway, after struggling to forge a career in the UK, I've been thinking about working abroad.


I'd really like to do something for NGOs and charities. Don't really mind which but if I had to choose, perhaps one that helps animals. Problem is, do any organisations value someone with a degree in English Literature.


I really don't mind what sort of work I do to be honest because the main reason for working abroad is to inspire my creative writing and photo-documentaries. Of course, helping other people would be good too.


Does anyone have any experience in this area. I literally have no idea where to look or how to go about preparing. It seems to me that most organisations don't pay or pay very little so I would have save up to do this. Am I right?


Anyway, some advice would be awesome.

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This is something I've looked into myself. I think it is difficult to find paid employment working for NGO's abroad. Those opportunities that exist are often given priority to local people, unless you have a particular skill that cannot be filled by the the local population. From what I've seen, most opportunities do not pay and often require you to pay to do them. However, if you look hard enough you can find opportunities that may pay a small stipend or will not require you to pay to volunteer.


Have you considered teaching english abroad? If you have a degree, you meet the requirement for nearly all countries that require english teachers and you can work in countries that allow you to save money too (China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea).

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