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too shy to ask out to dance


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I'm actually kind of shy too, but a friend pointed out something to me awhile ago and I keep forgetting it myself.


His point went something like this (and I'll use your case as an example):


Right now if you don't ask her to the dance, there is a 100% chance she isn't going to be going with you. Even if there is only a 1% chance she'd say yes to your invite, your odds are better doing something than nothing.


So what have you got to lose? That she says no? It's better to try and get shot down than to wonder endlessly if she would have said yes or not. Besides, she might just say yes!


Just suck it up and ask her. Don't make a big deal out of it. If it doesn't work out you'll still get something from the experience.

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go up to her and ask her. Don't think of this dance as a *yes i like you or *no i hate your guts. If you ask her out to the dance, you've put yourself in a win-win situation because

1. Like the above poster stated, she has a better chance of saying yes then when you dont ask her at all.

2. Now she KNOWS that you like her, and tats a good thing because girls are always more friendly when they know someone likes them.


Suck it up, and ask her. But don't be a sissy and act all shy, slap yourself in the face a few times and go up to her, act as confident and outgoing as possible. Just think to yourself "What kind of an attitude will Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise have when their asking girls out?". You NEED that type of confident, not c0cky but just confidence in who you are.

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I would say just give it a try and ask her. I know it's hard....oh gosh yes I know it's hard! But if ya don't ask her, you're gonna be sorry ya didn't.....

You'll do just fine....girls love it when guys come up to them....shows a sign of confidence....Now go up to her and ask her to that dance ^_^

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