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ok,well I really have no girlfriends or anyone to talk to about this so hopefully some of you folks can help me out


My b-friend and I had been together for two years and

the past month he was acting so weird and one of his good

friends had called my house screaming at him accusing him of trying to hit on his g-friend, I just shruged it off as some sKetchy girl starting crap


but then the hangups on the phone started and I started having all theese

disturbing dreams about him cheating on me, I should of known then

I asked, he said it was nothing so I trusted him

but anyways I finally did the whole *69 bit and called the # and It ended up being the same girl from before and I told her who I was and asked her what she did with my b-friend she wouldnt admit anything at first

and then after like five min. of talking to her she spilled the whole bit


she said he took her hiking more than once and tried to hit on her soposidly

so Im just totally mortified

and then when he got home that day I confronted him he denied up to the

point that I kicked him out then told me SHE kissed him and he kissed back but pushed away


I dont know who to believe or what actually happened but it feels like there's no closure on the subject and Im going CRAZY there is more to it than that of course but I dont think you guys want to read for hours so

if anyone can give me an opinion or some advice it would be greatly appreciated


I still love him madly but the fact is he's a liar and a soposid cheat

should I go thew the motions of getting back together or not


from the very confused


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First of all Gig girl, you are totally justified in feeling confused by his actions, he totally told you one thing and went and did another. This is betrayal. He went behind your back and kissed another girl, that is to be sure. Don't let the situation get the better of you.



Keep a level head and people will soon learn that you make your own choices depending on the situation, and that is how you gain a good reputation with people. Your boyfriend will respect you better if you tell him your feelings and then stick by that! Of course he will try to push your limits again, be firm and be aware that this sort of behavior happens occasionally and it shouldn't hurt anyone if you can nip it in the bud.



If he makes a habit of doing this or repeats this behavior with in the year or so, (I am sorry swingfox) call it quits with this man, he will learn his lesson when you kick him to the curb!


But do so in a very polite way, to be sure!

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Sorry, Sisterlynch? Awesome reply, I would say! Good going


Hi giggirl,


Welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am sorry to hear what happened to you and I understand the confusion you are going through.


I think sisterlynch made some good and valid points here. The trouble is that this guy broke your trust and confidence. That means that trying to get back together might be difficult, because you will have to regain that trust again. That might take time and I think it would be a good idea to communicate that to your b/f. He will have to have a little patience with you now.


I hope that this helps you in making the right decisions that will work for you and I wish you good luck with that.


~ SwingFox ~

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Um, I don't dig the fact that he won't be honest and apologize for what happened. You are rightly angry. IF he shows some remorse, then MAYBE you can hear him out, but until then, as hard as it is, stay away. This sounds lame and I know it, but girl, so many other guys would love to have you. Also, hang ups and stuff sound like it was a little more involved than what either of them are admitting to you. PLUS, HER boyfriend would not have called YOUR boyfriend out just to make his day more exciting. He was pissed, and you should be too.

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