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I need to know how to french kiss

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I know this may sound stupid but i am 14 and i dont know how to french kiss. All i know abouit it is that you open your mouth and stick your toung in the other persons mouth. I have ruined a lot of relation ships because i was afraid to do it and mess up. I would feel really stupid if i did and messed it up.



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Well, I found out through trial and error. Most girls I found like your tongue to be... uhhh... flacid and not rigid. I think I could have used better wording there, but the key is to relax it, go with the flow. Do what you find is enjoyable, in most cases this will be what she likes as well. Try not to bite the lips like you she in the movies, I haven't met anyone who likes that... I think your main problem is you worry to much. Relax and I'm sure you'll make a great kisser one day.


EDIT: Don't try deep probing either, I did that a few times and boy it does nothing but keep their mouth closed for the next few days.

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Hmmm, this is a really hard thing to explain to do... I'm guessing you know at least how to get your mouth to hers both open.. after that just put your toungue in her mouth and the easiest thing to start off with is letters.. make the shapes of letters with your tongue.. builds tongue control for other aspects of your relationship..Do't forget to touch her face, neck, hip, etc while kissing her... girls love to be touched while they're being kissed.. haven't found a single one that didn't melt cause i stroked her cheek or ear, etc while we were kissing.. gets 'em everytime.. Just have fun.. there's nothing really to worrya bout.. i don't think you can really mess up french kissing.. just remember to breathe through your nose and keep your breath fresh at ALL TIMES

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French kissing is actually pretty easy, its a little intimidating the first couple of times, but its actually really simple. When your tongue is in her mouth gently massage her tongue with yours, if she starts to do something different with her tongue or lips, follow her moves and try and imitate them. I kiss girls like that and we ussually end up kissing for 5 minutes straight. Breathe out your nose and dont be afraid to kiss her. Another move you can try is after the kiss is over and she starts to pull her tongue out, suck on her tongue so theres force keeping her tongue on your mouth, ive had this done to me and it feels really nice. well i hope this helps. Daniel

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Pengui has all the right moves, read his post over and over again. I just have one thing to add. The french kissing part needs to start out as just soft little pecks, please don't just shove your tongue in there. A few pecks (3 or so) and then a gentle tongue. Also, how does one really spell tongue? I think I need a spell check, jeez!

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