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One more question about hair?


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I was just wondering how do u women like guys hair to be?LIke do u like it to be short or like long?Or does it really depend on how the guys hair is like thick or either thin or something?Cause my hair is pretty thin like how some british people r like the beatles but i dont have that mop top crap like long,thin,and kind of stringy.Like it wraps around kind of curling to the side of my face.Not the curls u think im talking about not anything like those just like wraps around at an angle coming up to my face.I was just wondering do u girls have any preference on how u like guys hair to be?My bangs r like covering up my eyes its so long its like down to the tip of my nose almost.But i usually jsut swing it a tad bit up over to the side of my eyes.I mean like my bangs r long but the rest of my hair is sort of medium length iono hwo to explain it

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yah bro you do worry entirely too much...the question truly is what do YOU feel comfortable with? what do you like? its your hair! and what u decide to do with your hair (or your life for that matter) shouldnt be based on some girls opinion


remember its YOUR life, stop worrying and go live it

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Like other posters have said, every girl has their preferences. My preference is short brown hair, but my b/f's hair is basically black and that's fine. My best friend prefers long hair, but most of the guys she has dated have had short hair. Although a girl may particularly like a certain type of hair, I don't think most girls will only be attracted to guys with that type of hair.

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I had long hair most my life. I did fine with it for all them years. The girls I dated would of probably liked me the same with short hair, but I find some girls do not like long hair. I have had several girls over the years tell me if I cut my hair they would go out with me. In my mind those probably aren't the girls that are for me. Not very open minded. Now I have short hair, cut it about 3 months ago. Honestly I don't see a difference in how people respond to me. With the long hair I stood out every where I went. Now i'm just one in the crowd. Although now I can just throw some gel in my hair rub my head back and forth and walk out the door. It is my train wreck look.


Shinobee...I think it all has to do with attitude and not so much about your hair.



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i have a kind "got out of bed look" (although it's not really just out of bed). kind of a bon jovi/john rzeznik thing. annoying thing is the hair at the front sticks up, down and to the side a bit. girls like playing around with my hair, which sometimes i don't mind, sometimes i do mind.

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One thing I liked about having long hair...I never woke up with you hair in 30 different postions. It was straight when I went to bed and straight when i woke up. Now I have to put stuff in it to get it so I don't look like I just got out of bed.

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I think those normal (by that I mean like, it seems everyone has one XD) short hair cuts are cute. Though if the guy has curly hair, medium length, definatley! Curly hair is so cute. x333


Most guys look pretty bad with long hair, though. Well around here they do anyway -- they either dont wash it, dont brush it, or have nits. Not very nice.

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Well iono mine is usually very smooth and ive always had great hair that always seems to stay pretty clean and nice.Ive always liked having long hair because it feels like i blocking myself from the world.Like i dont like people making eye contact too much so i just hide myself behind my hair by looking down a bit.Or too hide my ugliness whichever comes first .

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