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How can some people be so EVIL when they leave?


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Why is that when people leave a relationship, some dont just leave. They have to be harsh mean and vindictive. Not caring who it hurts.


I just got a call from my sister while on my lunch break. Her long time boyfriend left her this morning, and cleaned out their joint account. Like cleaned it out! Knowing he left her with a house and a little boy who he has played daddy to for quite a while.

I dont understand this. Sure if they arent gettting along then its ok to leave, but while clean out the account, leaving her in a bind? Why not take half, take your stuff and go?


I mean she's not gonna hurt because my fiancee and i are loaning her money to get by, but how could someone do such a thing. And its not just men, women too!

I mean if my fiancee and ever break up (god forbid) i wouldnt leave her with nothing, especially if she had a kid. When my dad and mom spilt up he made sure she could get by without him, and made sure we were taken care of.


I know my nephew wasnt this *******'s kid, but he looked up to him as a dad. How could he just not care?

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They're probably mad at the other partner for something they feel they did to them (whether they actually did something wrong is another story), so they decide to screw them over by taking all their resources. That was a jerk thing to do though, even if it was technically his paycheck they were a cohabitating couple so he isn't entitled to just take everything!

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