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It's been 7 months, but...

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I can't seem to move on at all. He, on the other hand, has. How do you move on?

Maybe I'll never be able to forget or completely move on, but every day brings on

pain and it doesn't stop. It's been seven months and I'm so tired of being hurt and

sad. So again, I have to ask, how do you move on?

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By forgiving him. Let go of grudges. Don't resent him for having moved on more quickly. In my experience, I've learned that the more I allow myself to "hate" him, the harder it was to let go of him. So I changed my perspective toward what he & I had. I felt grateful for having been with him. And all that was painful became mere lessons. Learned something out of it, felt some very intense emotions - good & bad but they are all worthwhile because it made me human. I felt alive, completely alive. So now I just thank him for having been a part of my life as I grow up as a person, as I learn what pain & joy is.


Don't treat the breakup as something horrid because it's a natural process for all of us. Some day, we all have to learn to let go of something. Nothing is really in our possession. "Forever" is but an illusion.

So live in the moment.

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I'm not angry or hating him...I'm just so frustrated that I can't move on like he has.

I'm so tired of thinking about him and holding onto the hope that we can be together

again, when it's obvious that we can't be. I want to be able to let go of this fruitless

hope, but I can't seem to be able to.


so how do you get over someone? is it really just time?

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Everyone has a different time frame... so be patient with yourself and know that you will move on. I have felt exactly like you have and forcing it doesnt help the process. The best thing I can say is fill your time with things you enjoy and new people and people who care about you.


Acceptance is the key. It does take a while for the logic of knowing it is over to drop down into our hearts.


You will get over it eventually!! Hang in there..

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