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i don't want to make a big mistake

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keep in mind--i am a 17 yr old girl.


i've been dating a guy for almost 2 years now. i've never been happier, and i truly believe that no one could ever make me happier than he does.

but two years? i don't feel like this is what i should be doing at this age. i want the freedom to date around and see whats out there, but i couldn't give him up for the world. i admit i've had my eye out and lately i've noticed more people than i think i should be noticing.


before this relationship i was in another serious relationship that lasted about 14 months. i started to feel as if i was already married and i couldn't take it..and he wouldn't let me have a break, so we sorta just ended it.


i really don't want to end my current realtionship, but i also don't want to be tied down at this young age. i would rather date around now, instead of getting in even deeper and hurting him more than i would now.


i really don't know what to do.


thank you

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thank you


but i meant that feeling "tied down" like this is not a good thing. i'm afraid i'm losing interest (this has happened in a previous relationship).

i want a chance to date, and i think he deserves the same thing.


i really love him. but lately i've found myself getting annoyed with him, just for being himself....and i don't know what that means.


maybe we should take a break a little break now and then?


i don't know what to do

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You should decide what is best for you, explain to him straight up what that is and let him make his choice, and you should do it as fast as you can decide what is right.


A lot of people on this board have issues with confusion, feeling trapped and stuck, etc. If you are feeling like this, I think one of two things will happen: (1) you will be miserable (that is obvious, and it is NOT clear that you love him so much or that you wouldn't give him up for the world -- let your mind hold true what it knows is true) and then break up with him or (2) you will cheat on him and be miserable and break up with him.


If you're too pressed in, lower the pressure -- explain where you are to him and let it be his choice. If he were feeling the same way, you would want the choice to stay in or get out.

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i'm afraid i'm losing interest (this has happened in a previous relationship).

i want a chance to date

my exgf of 3.5, years was everthing that i wanted in a girl and everyting i'll ever ask for eveything to me. she broken up with me cuz she need time cuz she thought that she was still young and wanted to see whats out there date around(she want clubing and pubs and start smoken and smoken weed and hanging out with other People they lasted a short time, all in all she got bord of me). in the end i was hurt vary much and still hurting vary badly, the man that was the world to her she left behind to see the world and better things. friends say she found out one thing in the end

"the world means nothing with out, the man that ment the world".

and after all that she wanted to be single, to be young, to have nothing but fun, and look around for it. she did not look to see it was right in her face. now she still leave e mails and mges saying she wanted me back she's even to the point she want to my work and looked for me. and tryed to have me back.

at the end my final gift to her was my wisdom

1)he gave you everything, don't be greedy

2)everything you throw away you can't get them back

even if you get them back it's never the some.

3) that i still love her and always will be. but cuz what she did, we can never be.

4) know what you've got, love it cuz it my not be there


P.S my friend told me she still cring about it, it's been mouths

she still do. i still do love her and still truthflu want her back but in my mind all i can see is her with other people and and the day she left me.



hopes this helps you in anyway

it's really up too you for what you do and what you chose

and don't let people give you th whole bs about you still being young

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if your talking about

what she sould do cuz she was getting bord of me. find new thing to do with each other like hiking, bikeing, swimming, there is so much things to do in the world. if he don't know how to dance like most guys take him to dancing class. cuz if your out there looking with him for a new thing to do . and when you guys find out a new thing to do and do it to gether it also builds up your guys relationship and love cuz you guys do thing together but you must know you also need time to do you own thing and if you don't know what to do on you own then think of something you can do to make him love you more like think up what your going to dress up ,like to make him think WOW i'm happy i'm with her and drool hahaha

. like make you self better in ways you'll think he'll like, do new thing

like people always told me

"things are boring cuz your boring"

i'm sorry if i my not make thing sound clear cuz i'm kinda in a hurry so sorry

thanks for reading

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