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Neurotic, anxious, worried, and impatient...

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I've been looking for a new job for about two and a half months now. I have an interview for a good job on Tuesday of next week, and I'm looking forward to it, however I'm extremely ANXIOUS and IMPATIENT too.


I contacted my former supervisor from my old job for a reference tonight. We had had some differences at work and didn't always get along perfectly, but the last few months I was there we got along well and she offered to give me a reference. However, she hasn't answered the text yet and I keep worrying that she WON'T answer.. then I think I can use other people as references.. but then I think that maybe THEY won't answer either.. and no one will ever answer again.. and I'll be unemployed forever. The whole thinking process spirals out of control. I've only ever had one person not answer me about a reference, and that was a couple of months ago, but maybe that's why I'm worried now. I guess if this former supervisor never answers the text I could call her the regular way or even go into my old place of work and ask to talk to her even though that would be embarrassing to me.


I know I'm probably worrying prematurely and that she'll answer later. I have 3 days until the interview. But I just can't help but keep thinking about it and checking the phone, only to find she hasn't answered yet. I KNOW it's Saturday and people are probably busy. The rational part of me says that but the irrational part says "she hates you, she'll never answer you, and no one ever will, everyone hates you." I've had some very negative thoughts lately.. anyway I just want to be able to calm down and sleep, and not think about this all night. If I do end up going into my old place of work I don't want to go in all in a tizzy and wrought up and look stupid.

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Susan Jeffers in 'embracing uncertainty' goes into this kind of thing.

Your anxiety /worry is being caused 'cos you are attached to an outcome ie. the reference , the job.......

Let go of this attachment if you can. Instead of saying I gotta get this reference, I gotta get this job.......say I wonder if she'll come thru' on the reference. I wonder how the interview will go".

Have Faith you will be okay if things dont go as you plan. Have Faith if they dont go as you plan , it is all for a good reason.


Maybe you are not into this kind of phillosophy but I find it v helpful for making me stop the incessant, pointless worry.


Best of Luck! LOL

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Susan Jeffers in 'embracing uncertainty' goes into this kind of thing.

Your anxiety /worry is being caused 'cos you are attached to an outcome ie. the reference , the job.......

Let go of this attachment if you can. Instead of saying I gotta get this reference, I gotta get this job.......say I wonder if she'll come thru' on the reference. I wonder how the interview will go".

Have Faith you will be okay if things dont go as you plan. Have Faith if they dont go as you plan , it is all for a good reason.


Maybe you are not into this kind of phillosophy but I find it v helpful for making me stop the incessant, pointless worry.


Best of Luck! LOL


That does make sense..

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