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How to start???

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Welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us with your question. Your signature pretty much says it all: "You rule!!" I would suggest, live up to it and make it happen. "Hi" is exactly what you should say. May be you could add: "What is your name? My name is " to it. If you feel confident enough, you also could make her a compliment and then see what happens.


I hope that this helped you on your way and wish you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~

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i know exactlly how you feel. I used to be the same way but i just told myself that i had to get over it. You cant be inntimidated by girls. Sure a few will turn you down or say somethin mean to you but you got to brush it off and keep goin at it. Once you just start talkin to a couple of girls or make a couple of girl friends it will come to you easyer.

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Try to say something funny...............girls like that...

Hi and hello is to usuall........but how about hello in french

Can u imagine her look if u say "Bonjour" ,,,,,,,,,,

U ll get the questions out of her mouth right away......

And thats how u start a good converstation

P.S. Its ok sometimes to lie about ur background...................

who will check?

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