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reviving past infatuations while in a serious LDR

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My boyfriend and i have been together for over 1yr and 4months. half of this time has been spent five hours away from each other because of university. This year i'm now a freshman in college and he's in his second year elswhere.


Before i started going out with him i was completely infatuated with these hot, sexy, sensitive, talented, older, dreamy violinist brothers who played in the orchestras for a lot of musicals that i've done in the past. they also have their own incredible group with another violist.


anyway, after a while i stopped doing shows and didn't see them for a very long time. later i started dating my current boyfriend. i haven't seen either of them for over a year. but now their group is coming to perform at my university in a couple of weeks. here inlies the problem.


i dont know if i should go or not. a part of me REALLY wants to because i haven't seen them for so long, and i know that it will be an amazing show. but another part of me is saying "no way," because if i go see them then i'll just revive my past infatuations with them and put a great deal of stress on my long distance relationship.


i'd hate to miss out on enjoying a terrific show and seeing two old friends, but i don't want to risk ruining my current relationship. what do you think i should (or shouldn't) do?[/b]

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Just re-read msg..the only way it can really put a stress on the relationship is if she feels she'll cheat on her boyfriend by going out with this guy. Also, I felt sorta the same way, I'm in a LDR but had feelings for other guys & was tempted to flirt with them, etc. and was ultimately questioning the strength of our relationship. This is the hard part about doing long-distance I suppose..


[edit] I just sent you a pm

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