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does this girl like me for real?

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well here is the problem, there is this girl which i really like and i want to go out with her. me and my friends were at the pool and then she came and after a while my friends left and i stayed with her for the rest of the day then we walked around and she let me hug her and hold her alot and then she let my kiss her. then the next we didnt tak at all. then another day i went to her house and she was talking with someother guy and then she put her arm around him and then looked at me idont know if she was trying to make me jealous or something.BUt i really want to go out with this girl.


SO guys please i really need your help. does she like me?should i ask her out?

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ask her out. it REALLY sux when you look back on it as a lost opurtunity.even if she sais no at least you tried. i am still somewhat depressed about missing a chance like that. the question "what if?" will always be on youre mind(well ..not always,but for some time)

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