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How do you get into a relationship if you are ugly?


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Why do you feel you're at the bottom first off?


I have seen (what I consider) some UGLY guys, and they have gorgeous women attached to their arm. Why? Because the guy probably was confident and was an overall cool guy to be around. His personality overshadowed his appearance to the women and probably made other women more attracted to him, seeing him with that girl.


So... how do you get into a relationship? You find self-confidence first. You remind yourself that you deserve a relationship and you will find one so long as you aren't your own worst enemy, constantly believing self-fulfilling prophecies like "I'm so ugly, no girl will ever like me... I'll always be alone". Develop and strengthen your self-esteem and your personality should be very attractive to women, even magnetic.

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Personality is key. And compatibility with the RIGHT girl.


There are a couple guys here at my college who I would NOT consider attractive in any way shape or form but they are popular with people (guys and girls) because they have great personalities that just make them glow and they are fun to be around.


I myself, I am not "ugly" but I am overweight and plain Jane looking and have had a couple LTRs and I am with a GREAT guy at the moment and I think it's because of certain traits that I have that makes me attractive to some men and a desirable mate. It takes all types.


Also, you can improve your physique by making sure that you are healthy and physically in shape. I am always skeptical when people call themselves "ugly". You are your own worst critic!!

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Anyone can get a gf/bf,but i think it is about personality.I know good looking guys that never have luck with women,and i know guys that i consider ugly,,but the women i saw that were interested in them were mostly great looking


it is about personality

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Try to work on your confidence and self esteem. When your inner power is strong, you shine even your physical appearance is not good, and people/women attracted to you.


Start with working on how good you feel about yourself! Personal improvement is a process and it might take times, be patient, it is one of the way of loving yourself.

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