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chick and musicians


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I think that it depends on the guy. I don't know about chicks digging musicians just because they're musicians. But if a guy can play a guitar, then to me, without a doubt, that's very attractive!


I once dated a guy who was the lead singer of a small heavy medal band. Even though it wasn't my taste in music, I think that it was his personality and greasy hair that turned me off. LoL. Nothing's wrong with that. Everyone's got their own preference for things. Plus, I couldn't stand hearing all of the yelling & screaming in his songs. Kinda scared me off a little.

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It's not so much the musician angle but rather the idea of a girl being able to be seen with a guy with status fame (hence the athlete, actor, musician or guy with the best car). Of course these guys will turn out to be the most confident out of the bunch but give me all that fame and fortune and the ability to know girls who throw themselves at me and I'd be confident and arrogant as well.

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i play the guitar, pretty good too (i get sick of people who call themselves guitarists, and only know 3 or 4 chords). I can confirm that being able to play the guitar definitely does add points.


to me, i really love music, and i think that the ability to play a song right is just beautiful. it's something that most people just like, otherwise the radio wouldn't be so popular. i don't see why girls wouldn't like musicians so much, i like them too. i think that the thing is guys usually have less taste than girls in terms of art/music/fashion/etc. i'm a pretty artsy/musical/fashionny guy, so i have some girlish tastes. if i was a bit more feminine, people'd probably think I was gay.

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