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How to approach a girl that is basically a stranger.


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So i just started attending college, and I met this girl in an introductory college course that lasted like 2 weeks. I'm really shy with this sort of thing, we spoke here and there, and I know her name and all that, but not much outside of small talk. For some reason, since I've seen her shes been on my mind a lot, and I started my real classes and shes in none of them at all. I actually ran into her at the end of the day one day, and i just waved at her and kept walking, and then she called out like how are your classes going? so I walked back to her and said good and you? I mean I kinda took this as a bit of a good sign. I'm not sure, I would like to get to know her better, and just get some sort of conversation going and see what shes all about, but I have no idea how I could do this, and i think its all luck if I'm actually going to run into to her. I mean should i come right out and ask for her number or what? because I fear its going to take forever if I just gotta try to luckily catch her.


I know where she parks, I try to park near her so maybe I catch her, and i guess this seems a bit psycho, but I just want to accidentally run into her again. I'm not sure what I should do, and I can never tell if girls are interested in me. Does it sound like she is from this? she seems really shy herself. I doubt that helped much with knowing, but how can I tell if a girl is interested? are there any good signs to look for and such? And what should I do, should I ask her out to maybe eat or hang out sometime? should I get her number or sceenname? it honestly seems like i would come off creepy, so thats why I'm asking, any advice is greatly appreciated.

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stalk her. find where she lives. follow her daily routines. act non chalantly when you come accross her. find out who are her friends. once you get her number call her everyday. compliment her a lot. make a web journal and put the link to it in your instant messanger profile, then ask her for her profile. then when yall chat she will check your profile, and read your journal that says how you feel about her.


dont do all of the above. lol!


i feel bad leaving no real help. so heres what im doing at school. ok this one girl i see everyday in precal, we both have trouble in that class. so i help her in class and in tutorials. and i initiate small talk with her like "how was your weekend". i may ask this one out later in the year. another girl, i also initiate small talk with her (she has a boyfriend also muahaha) during class. i learned her friends and her talk about how sexy i am and they got a picture of me.... another girl, her boyfriend isnt showing her enough attention, so im just there to give advice and such.


small talk em for awhile then ask em out.

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I think she likes you. If she didn't she wouldn't have stopped you to ask you how classes were going. She would've just walked past really fast and mumbled "God I hope he doesn't remember me."


Anyway, Now is a great time to say "Hey I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to you since we were in that class together a few weeks ago. Do you wanna grab lunch or something?"


By the way, body language is a good key to finding out if a girl likes you.

If she smiles a lot, looks you in the eyes, turns her body towards you when you're talking, exposes some skin for example adjusting her clothes or shifting to show arm or leg, crosses her leg towards you, touches you (on arm), walks close to you (space invasion), or looks you up and down when she sees you. I have a tendency to do these things when I talk to attractive guys; well, except for exposing skin but I've seen others do this.

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alright alright, so i guess now is a good time to say, im like really shy, im gonna find it really tough to just ask her to go grab lunch, and i have this fear that even if she says yes, im just gonna like seize up, not have much to say and all that, I mean Its not like i cant hold conversation, i know im just not gonna be my normal outgoing self. And who is to say she really does like me just cuz she stopped me, I dont know about her body language, because I cant remember it all happened to fast and i felt dizzy by the mere beauty of this girl . kidding, nice advice up there, it made me laugh.


you really think its time to ask her out already? i feel like it needs a bit more time, like its too sudden, and she might get creeped out. just asking? any help is greatly appreciated. thanks

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I KNOW you're up for the challenge. Don't freak out. Just do it. You don't want to be left wondering "what if." And it may be a little while before you accidentally come accross her again so in the meantime you can prepare yourself for your big move. Pump yourself up, listen to some music that makes you feel good and confident, keep telling yourself "I can do this. I have no fear."

Is it too early? No, not if you don't approach her like a desperate psycho.

Just ask her very casually and whatever you do don't call it a date! She'll feel more comfortable if you let her know it's just hanging out for lunch and it's not a dinner date. If she says "yes" then it would be a GRRREAT time to check out her body language. Notice I said "BODY LANGUAGE" and NOT "just "BODY".

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