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Need a guy's advice!!!


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Hey guys,

So i previously posted about my boyfriend and I ( together for 6 months) about saying I Love You. So this has brought me to another confused point. We don't say "i love you" but he is constantly bringing up moving in together, although most of the time it's in a joking matter. He'll also make comments like "Oh, i'm going to marry you just for your cooking" or "You'd be such a great wife." Or the best had to be when he was brought up not having children. The confused part is that you would think me, THE GIRL, would be the one to bring up all these SERIOUS and Permanent commitments....i'm just so confused!!! PLEASE I NEED A GUYS ADVICE


**it doesn't bother me or anything, I just get confused as to why he hasn't said ILU yet he'll talk about moving in and marriage and kids.

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Well this guy might have a different sense of humor then myself. But in my opinion if your in an committed relationship you shouldn't joke around about those serious subjects. What I think you should do is just tell him as soon as possible that those types of jokes aren't funny, and avoid letting those joke make you more and more angry. Most guys appreciate a girl that is straight with him, and doesn't play games with him.

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Since you guys been together for a while, ask yourself the fundamental question - do you see yourself in a long-term relationship with this guy?

If so, do not worry about what he says. Play it cool, act like you don't care. He'll expect you begging for commitment, but if he does not see you do it, he WILL come around and start commiting himself.


The saying goes like this - we always want things we can't have. If he think you are playing it cool (which you are), he will start chasing you. Never make the mistake of asking for commitment, he will be instantly put off no matter how much he like you already.


If you don't see yourself in a long-term relationship, then why are you in this relationship in the first place? Just to have fun? Then there won't be anything to "commit" about anyway, right?

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to yudu1789 - I definitely do see myself in a long term relationship with my bf. it turns out he did say I love you last night to me, which I feel resulted in me slightly pulling back the past few weeks. I guess I will have to just keep playing it cool and see where things lead.

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