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I have a question for everyone with some type of graduate degree or college students. Have you ever dated an undergrad when you were a grad student OR dated a grad student when you were an undergrad? I would like to know because a senior asked me out and I'm a grad student. BTW he's not in any of the classes I teach.

Or is this just wrong on any level?

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I am an undergrad and I dated someone who already did a postgrad degree and now works in a semi-management position, the relationship didn't work out. We come from completely different worlds and the relationship was way too awkward, so I broke it off. If I could turn back time I wouldn't go out with someone whose life situation is so drastically different from mine in the first place. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

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I am an undergrad and I dated someone who already did a postgrad degree and now works in a semi-management position, the relationship didn't work out. We come from completely different worlds and the relationship was way too awkward, so I broke it off. If I could turn back time I wouldn't go out with someone whose life situation is so drastically different from mine in the first place. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


What were some problems you had with the relationship?

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My ex-gf was 20 years old and starting her junior year when we met. I was 24 and had just finished my first semester of masters study. We were great together, but in the end her immaturity and my desire to settle down (she didn't want to get married... thought she was too young and frankly she just wanted to party and be with her girlfriends more) were the keys to the breakup. When we broke up, it had been a two year relationship and she is now 22 and I'm 26. I have since graduated with my degree and moved away to work while she is finishing her 5th year (senior). I think that if it is an undergrad guy (especially junior or senior) asking you out then he's probably looking for a relationship that will last. Nothing personal, but from seeing all my friends date younger girls (19-21 years old) when they were about 3-4 years older has been met with breakups. I'm not trying to be sexist, but from what I've seen it's the undergrad guys who are more likely to settle down than the girls.


Anyway, I digress. I do not think it is bad as long as you are not a PhD student in your mid-20s and he's just turning 21. Don't get me wrong -- you're no less likely to have a long lasting relationship than if he was a grad student as well. All I'm saying is that the lifestyles of grads and undergrads are usually different as a grad student is more focused on their future career, study, and life. An undergrad is usually concerned with next weekend's party, their calculus test, or just graduating and "getting out of here". Just different priorities and you have to make sure you're on the same page.

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Well I'm only a master's student and 24 and he's 21. I suspected different lifestyles but I don't think I fit in much with the other grads anyway since they're all older and married.

Vern did you have any problems explaining to others about dating an undergrad. Was it frowned upon by other grads or faculty? Or did you keep your love life out the grad school mix?

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