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Can someone help me with some ideas? I'm trying to get this long-distance relationship started. We met on the plane. He gave me his number and said he'd like to get together again. I felt a great deal of chemistry with this guy. I in turn gave him my number and we parted. (We live in different states) Since then he has called, but I can't tell if he's interested in me romantically or if he's just a friendly guy.


He gave me his home phone number along with his cell number and said that I could call him any time. Is it then safe to assume he's single? He asked me if I live alone and I told him yes. I don't know how to find out if HE is single. Should I call him?


We live so far apart it's easy to just forget the whole thing. But I'm willing to put in the effort and travel if things develope to that point. In the meantime, I just don't know how to go about finding out if he likes me and if so, how to get something started.


I'd appreciate any ideas/advice. (My thanks in advance!)


- Emmylu

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Hi hubman01, do you mean asking him directly, "Are you single?" ?? Goodness...I'd like to, but I don't think I can manage. Wouldn't men consider that as being too forward?




You met this guy on a plane, exchanged multiple numbers and have since spoken. It's well within your rights to establish that he's single; after all, your whole interaction hinges on that.

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Just ask him if he has any love interest or something like that if you don't wanna ask if he's single. I'm sure your a lot older than me (18 here) but I don't mind at all when girls ask me if I have a girlfriend, I actually like it because its a big sign that they are interested, most of the time.

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Thanks for all the replies so far. Yeah...you guys are right. I have to establish that he is available before I get in any deeper. I just have to think about the best way to phrase my question.


One time I tried to start a relationship with a guy, without doing my homework first, and found out later that he is homosexual. Some guys are just really friendly it's hard to tell what's going on.

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