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my s/o is visiting me for the first time, but...

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however hes only visiting for 5 days and plans to spend 3 days in another location to visit his cousins.


the thing is, his cousins just visited him about 2ish months ago and I really really really miss him and was looking forward to having 5 days of alone private time, since he'll be staying at my place.


I already had surprise plans of what to do on all of these 5 days. I've been looking forward for it, even cleaned the house for him to come but was saddened by the fact that he planned to go see his cousins for almost half of the little time he has here.


He did ask me if it was alright to go and I said yeah because it originally was just a day trip but that was because I didn't know how long it took to get there. However, since he discovered it takes about 9 hours to get there, he decided to change the trip to 3 days to compensate for travel time.


Would it be selfish of me to ask him to not go?

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