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i have done wrong.

i have done many thing's so so wrong.

give me a chance to make it rigth.

if you still care to seek my ligth.


forgiveness is behold my reach.

forgiveness you dare not speek.

was it really me.

can't say that is my pley.


was i the one who turned away.

i think not i must say.

i was here in need of but one simple thing.

but now you have brougth me to my knee's.


said i was wrong and stuff like that.

said i was coming on to strong.

so i must say where do i go from this place.

i know you say i didn't mean to hurt you .

but geuss what i feel to .


just like you my blood boil's hot.

just like you i need the same kinda of love.

afraid to say what it really is becuse it wasn't me that got alittle to hot.



you say you are a friend but friends don't turn and walk away.

a friend would have stayed.

sorry i must say but i geuss it was my mistake.

you know whom i speek you know whom has done this poem for me.

need i say more other then this good bye once long time friend.



hope you all like this poem i wrote it for a once dear friend of mine.



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My first love and now ex doesn't communicate with me anymore. So everyday, when I awake...and throughout the day...I miss her dearly. So I write to to her...but send the mails to myself. (so someday I can look back and smile


This is one I wrote yesterday:


"Hi baby luv



So guess what, last night...I dreamt of you again. Lol, I think its the 3rd time in 3 nights! It was weird, yesterday in my dream I was on a field trip or something with my class mates from high school. We were all in the classroom discussing something and suddenly your name was called. Everybody else continued to talk but my heart just started beating...wildly...


I got up and tried to look for you but you weren't there. I got a bit anxious and then looked on the chalk board that you and some other people were divided into another room. At that point I just said to my self "oh thank god, she is here"...


It's funny though, throughout the whole dream, I knew you were there...I also knew that you knew I was there. We passed eachother a few times in the room later on...I dont think our eyes met...but...we could feel eachother's presense


It was beautiful...but painful when I awoke this morning in my dimly lit room (I think the morning sun had just risen)...I said to myself, "what a tease" after which I let a few tears.




I love you baby...where are you in this world?

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