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What's she afraid of?

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There's this girl I'm close friends with. About 3 weeks ago, she broke up with her boyfriend who she had been going out with for about 9 months. After that happened, we started spending more time than usual together. I was doing it for two reasons; I am between jobs, and thus have a lot of free time, and I wanted to make sure she was ok.


Then, about a week after she broke up with him, she started acting strange around me. She seemed restrained, and less willing to talk. She also stopped calling me completely. This is odd because until that point, the longest we've gone without a phone conversation is probably about 3 days. It's been over 2 weeks now.


I had to find out from her best (girl) friend that she think's I'm being too possessive. OK, I can understand that, considering, I just didn't realize it at the time.


So best I can figure, that's what's caused her to start acting not herself around me, but the thing I can't decide is if I should wait for her to start talking to me again, or should I try and talk to her about it?

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You probably need to give her some space. She feels you're just being nice, so doesn't want to say it in your face, but everybody needs to be alone for a while. Besides, you can use this time to meet more friends, make your life more colorful. So, just give her some space, and i think she'll call you back, or you can try to feel it from her friends.

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It's not so much the space thing as it is the character change. She abruptly changed the way she acts towards me and only me. She simply stopped calling, it didn't taper off, she won't say more than two words to me, and she won't even say hi.


I can understand that she wants space, and I respect that, but at the same time, there's something else there, and I think she's using the space excuse to cover it up. I can't decide if I should just keep waiting, or if I should try and talk to her.

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  • 1 month later...

I think I can understand that bro, she may need time she just broke up don't forget as friend you have to let her some time and space. She may not realized what she've done to you, write it down or write her a letter explaining those things. That can be of some help.




Jeff l. Spiegel

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