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Everything posted by JoeCanada

  1. It's not so much the space thing as it is the character change. She abruptly changed the way she acts towards me and only me. She simply stopped calling, it didn't taper off, she won't say more than two words to me, and she won't even say hi. I can understand that she wants space, and I respect that, but at the same time, there's something else there, and I think she's using the space excuse to cover it up. I can't decide if I should just keep waiting, or if I should try and talk to her.
  2. There's this girl I'm close friends with. About 3 weeks ago, she broke up with her boyfriend who she had been going out with for about 9 months. After that happened, we started spending more time than usual together. I was doing it for two reasons; I am between jobs, and thus have a lot of free time, and I wanted to make sure she was ok. Then, about a week after she broke up with him, she started acting strange around me. She seemed restrained, and less willing to talk. She also stopped calling me completely. This is odd because until that point, the longest we've gone without a phone conversation is probably about 3 days. It's been over 2 weeks now. I had to find out from her best (girl) friend that she think's I'm being too possessive. OK, I can understand that, considering, I just didn't realize it at the time. So best I can figure, that's what's caused her to start acting not herself around me, but the thing I can't decide is if I should wait for her to start talking to me again, or should I try and talk to her about it?
  3. Yeah, I can understand how he'd feel. I'm sure I'd feel the same way. So I told her I'd back off for awhile. Then, just yesterday, she got mad at him for being so controlling and making me back off, because he was saying stuff about me behind my back, and how he wanted to beat me up. Next thing you know, he's apologizing to me for the way he's been acting. Wow. I don't know if he really meant it, but he did do it of his own choice. At any rate, I'm still gonna give both of them their space for awhile to see how things develop.
  4. I feel much better than I did a week ago, but now...ugh... We have a mutual agreement to be friends, and I offered (a couple weeks ago) to take her to a hockey game, because I have lots of tickets, and she's never been. But now she won't go because her boyfriend (these are her words, not mine) is insecure and thinks that I'll be 'dating' her. Now she's already made it clear that she's with him, and I completely respect this, so my question is what's he got to be insecure about? She's told him we're friends only. How can he be worried about me taking her away from him if I don't stand a snowball's chance in hell?
  5. Thanx. That kind of makes me feel a little better. I know I could still handle being friends, and I don't really care what anyone else thinks of us being friends, but I still feel like shit for some reason, and I don't know why.
  6. Ok, so there's this girl I like at work. Within the past two weeks, this has all happened. She found out from somebody that I like her, so we trade numbers, and go out for coffee a couple of times. No big deal. Things are going great. One problem...she has a boyfriend. Now she has complained to various people, including myself, about him, and indications were given that it might not last long between them. Until last night... She came out and asked me if I liked her as 'more than a friend'. Since she's asking the question, she already knows the answer, so of course I told her yes, and she basically came out and said to me that she was with her boyfriend and that wasn't going to change. That really shocked me. I of course knew she had a boyfriend, and I might be setting myself up, but the other half thought she just might come my way. So I left work about a half hour later, drove around for another hour, went home, had a stiff drink, and tried to goto sleep. After staring at the clock for a good 2 hours, not being able to sleep, my cell phone rings. Guess who? She couldn't sleep either, because she felt really bad about what she said. Esentially, she told me she wanted to still be friends, but was afraid she was leading me on. I told her I respected her current relationship, and I wasn't there to try and break them up. Anyway, we agreed to be friends still, and she knows I still like her, but I'm concerned that she'll never see me as more than a friend. And of course I really don't understand what she sees in this guy. He's unemployed, immature, lazy, and generally disrespectful of the opposite sex. I don't know what I've gotten myself into here, advice anyone?
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