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The Serial Killer is Always On My Mind

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In case some of you don't know, I go to LSU in Baton Rouge, LA, and there is a serial killer on the loose. (more info: link removed He has killed 5 women that we know for sure are linked to him because of DNA he has left behind, but there were probably more before he started leaving his little signature behind. The first known victim was killed a little over a year ago. But it wasn't until last June that he was given the title "serial killer" after mutilating his third victim that could be connected to him. Even though I have known of past murders and they were on the outskirts of campus, I never believed that I could be a victim and I always thought he would be caught soon. Well, his latest victim, his fifth, lived down the street from me. On a street just off campus for God sakes. He is getting into homes without signs of forced entry, so it is believed that he gains their trust somehow ahead of time or at the time of entry (ex: a policeman). She lived alone, was a brunette, and a college student. This also applies to me. Since the last killing, I have put mace on my keychain, put mace by my bed, a wooden pole next to my bed, and added a freaking barn door lock on my door, only accessible from the inside. I don't open my blinds ever, because I am afraid he could be watching me. Even with all these precautions, I still live in fear. I have panic attacks and anxiety attacks, on top of my being bipolar. I am going crazy daily. I don't sleep at night. I go to sleep when the sun comes up around 6 a.m. because I figure he won't get me while people are out and about during the day. I am always on my cell phone with someone when coming home and check the apartment with mace in hand before I lock all four locks. I rarely leave to reduce possible scenarios. I lay in bed with most lights on in the apartment but can't sleep because either I hear a noise or you get that feeling, you know the one where someone is behind you and you can feel it, yeah that one. While at this computer I constantly turn my head because I get "that feeling." This fear is consuming my life. I just wish they would catch him. It's not fair. To be scared all the time. Wondering if you are next. I know I have taken every precaution possible and I am safe, but you can't help but feel that someone is around, watching, waiting to get you. He hasn't struck in a while, since Mardi Gras, and we all know it's the "calm before the storm." I just hope it won't be me. I have so much that I haven't done. And I won't let him take that from me. I won't. If you have any advice on what I can do to stop the feelings of fear and panic, please let me know. I am so desperate. It is affecting my life. And I am only 21 years old! Thanks.

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Remember that the feelings you are experiencing are giving him what he wants. It must be incredibly hard, but not giving in to the fear is the only way that this kind of evil can be defeated.


Precautions are important, but so is the normality of your life. Get on with things, always be with someone else, but know that smiling and laughing and feeling relaxed is your best protection from anything bad at all.


It might be an idea to talk to someone - like a counsellor. There's one on every campus isn't there?

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i agree about the counselor part...


Also, you cant continue to live in fear of being the next victim to this serial killer, because you will cause physical and mental ailments to your body. One thing that I can advice you to do which will be beneficial to condition your mind and body, and give you confidence in dealing with coming in contact with an intruder, is to take some form of Karate. With karate, you will learn how to defend yourself in any given si tuation at the spur of the moment, you will instantly react and know exactly how to handle yourself.


It will boost your confidence, in knowing that you can handle yourself in any given situation. Also, change up your daily routine. Travel with friends, as well take different routes coming home or going to different places. Dont always leave or come at the same time, change it up as best you can, so not to set a pattern for anyone to follow, if you think anyone is following you...


Discuss your fear with the local authorities, and if possible, have some of the officers to patrol the area more frequently. Dont make unnecessary judgements against all policemen, because in the event of an emergency, they will be the ones we call...good luck with your situation...



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