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Well first of all, I'll tell you what may happened.

She may not be looking at you at all, but someone behind you or in your direction. I have been told: WHAT??!! many time so... I know it.


If you really know that she is looking at you and you like her, just make a what?- face. Than after some 3 minutes or so, walk by her and write her a note. Not a note telling her how much you like her and all that stuff of course but make it simple and uninteresting. Ask her something like... You have been looking at lot my way latelly... Do I have something on my hair? or is it the person behind me?- and than go from the buddy. If you have any more question pm me but first of all tell me your age.

I hope that helped and take care 8)

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Everyone already pretty much told u what to do and all that...


But u can try Makeing some eye contact with her and see if she returns it, looks down or smiles..They all are Good signs..


The looking down one sometimes means that think ur annoying or something but most of the time it means they just are nervous and cant keep eye contact for a long time...


Saying what to them...Do it in a joking kinda way if u do..Because u might hurt her feelings or something...


Good luck and go get her Stud

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