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girls in groups....ladies input PLZ!!!!!!!


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okay ladies here it is...there is this girl i like and is always with her friends so it is hard to talk to her and to get to know her better. so i was just wondering how "weird" or "awkward" it would be if i went up to her and her friends "which seem to be all girls" and just sat down with them and joined in. I dont know her or her friends all that well if at all and am wracking my brains to come up with ways to get to know her better. so i guess my question is...should i try this or something else? and if i do try it what should i say to make it less "weird" also if this is not a good idea what would be one..... any ideas are MORE!!!! then welcome.

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Just tell her that you want to talk to her..ask her for her phone number..so you can talk in private. or ask her out on a date, that way her friends won't be around. It probably would be a little awkward if you just walked up and joined in there cnnversation. Do you know the whole group? if so, it wouldn't be so "weird " for you or them. u know what i mean? But best of luck to you. I know i don't have the best advice, but I hope maybe it'll help. Let me know how it turns out.

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well let's see let me think about this. my bf use to be like that too. he likes me and he doesn't know me or my name he just know that i am existed and i am very cute and nice. he wanted to get to know me so in order for him to get to know me, he know one of my friend in his class so he try to talk and get to know my friend. and one day he ask my friend that he try to get to know if he can have lunch with us and my friend sadi sure and as we set down my friend introduce me to him and we get to know each other and he hang out and he ask me out. so this can be a way to get to know your crush and her friend so you can ask her friend question about your crush and get to know your crush that way too before you can talk to her. hope this help and pm me and tell me if it help and if you have any question you can pm me and ask me too.

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OK I've heard about jumping out of the fat into the fire but what your contemplating really does bring a new meaing to the saying.


Ok so you want to introduce yourself to this woman in front of all her friends and introduce yourself to her friends all at the same time? - Brave man, very brave indeed. I wish you the best of luck.



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