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New girl, ex mad?


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Hey, here's my short story if you want a brief history link removed


Anyway, I really wanna get back together with my ex, but she won't give me a yes or no answer. So I'm trying to not contact her as much and I am "dating" this new girl to get my mind off my ex and to get my ex thinking maybe she should give me an answer now. Anyway, I think she is really mad about it all and I don't want her to be upset. Why is this makign her upset? DOes that not mean she wants to get back with me? Or is she upset that her backup (me) might not be there anymore?


Any ideas? Thanks alot


-- Jabe

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I think you should not date this other girl. If you're only doing it to get to your ex, you're not being fair to the new girl or to your ex. You shouldn't try and manipulate your ex into getting back with you because it won't work. I think you just need to be honest with your new girlfriend and break things off. What do you do after that? I don't know, but breaking things off with the new girl is a good start.

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