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What do i do i have feeling for both of them!


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hi and thank you for reading this in advance. Last Oct/Nov i met a guy, Josh in a chat room and we really hit it off. Ever since we have been in constant contact. We talk so deeply that we often loose track off time and end up talking on msn or over the phone long into the night and early morning. We are not dating we are just very good, close friends and i can tell him anything and vice versa. I feel so comfortable with him, it's just really nice and fun even though i have never met him. At the end of June i started dating Alex who i really like and who i have a lot of fun with, but lately i have started to have feelings for Josh. I haven't told Josh but i think he feels the same. I don't want to have an internet relationship but it's driving me mad. I don't want to break up with Alex because i still have strong feelings for him but i have stronger ones for Josh and my feelings for Josh are ruining my relationship with Alex. I just don't know what to do about Josh, i don't want to stop talking to him but im just having conflicting feelings about what i want from him and i don't know what to do. any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated! thanx.

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well personally i noe it sounds gay and stuff but you have 2 dtop talking with josh because you probably wont end up going put with him because of the distance and you need to stop talking to him if your going to save your other relationship. its going to be hard i know but if you dont then youll have no one. sorry if i sound rude or bossy or netn

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i think if you really like Alex, you hav to stop talking with Josh or you can just take some time for you. you can just say to him that you are goin somewhere so you can't talk to him few days. as you saying you don't want to lose a good mate, then take your own time you think about it . so, just stay with Alex without talking to Josh. if you think you are pretty ok with it ot more than that feeling.. i think you can talk to Josh again. so don't be rush. take you time to think about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

aww im soeey for ya but im in the same situation as you, and i dunno which one to go for.. its hard letting go of one or the other cuz i have become so attach to both guy.. and mines a bit worse i think cuz one of hte guys lives a couple of hrs away for me and the other in the UK.. so yea haha.. luvly eh? anywayso i hope you can figure it out, so do take that time off, really in tryign it otu now, try to talk the least amount of time to both and think about your needs and wants.. whats most important.. your need or your want? so yea.. good luck cuz i need it too

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