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Don't you hate nights...


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When you're trying to sleep and can't stop thinking about what happened?


I'm having a night like that.


I feel so pathetic for not getting over this...I've started to bother myfriends for how much I talk about it...they won't admit it, but I know I have, so I try to keep it to myself.


We even had a wonderful conversation tonight, she and I. And then at 1 in the morning I'll flash right back to the moment when I just felt so confused and lost and weak and small and I hate it.


Grarrgle...I'm heading for a desert Island to start the world over, who's with me?

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Hmm I know the feeling all too well. I have since gotten over the sleepless nights, but I'm hoping they don't return if I find out anything "comprimising" about my ex-gf (ie who's she dating or even worse having intimate relations with). I pray that I never find that out until I'm well over her and it won't affect me.

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heh, I'm with ya. I'm usually at work though. I work anywhere from 7 to 9 hour shifts, usually alone. When you have no-one to talk to, all you can do is think to yourself. I've thought my-self upset before (one stupid thought after another, and before you know it, you've got this whole situation formed in your head). Ughh, lousy brain and its always thinking.

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i know this feeling too...and its all because of my bf he told me he needs a break and i dont know what to do now...i cant stop thinking abt it...i dont sleep, eat or even...im not concentration on my studies and this is my last high school year!..i dont know what to do or how to stop thinking abt all this!

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Time is the best healer of all. For me, 8 months have gone by since my wife told be of her cheating. Lots of nights unable to sleep. Lots of nights wandering round town at night with the iPod at full volume (luckily it's a safe area here and I'm male).


Another lucky break was the time difference with America. I've got a few contacts on MSN in the States, from this forum too. It's great being able to find someone sympathetic to talk to at 3 a.m.


Having someone who listens, who knows personally what you're feeling like, or at least won't get tired of your ranting too quickly is the greatest gift.

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Moleculo -- I just read the other post and have a better view of the situation.


My sense? Don't be emotionally involved with her. She has a number of issues herself, she has treated you poorly, etc.. If you feel like this a lot, I think you should just break up with her.


Women are tough enough to deal with anyway. Why put up with someone who cheats on you?

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Just like someone said time will help. I was cheated on and I'm still with her. I'm with her still for two reasons, 1) she drove herself crazy with guiltv and confessed. (I'm talkin' full blown panic attacks no eating for about 3 months, perscriptions required, etc) 2) she admitted the mistake, listened to my anger and DID NOT defend her actions. Also contact with cheat has completely stopped. I've had this confirmed for only a month, but while it happened and during a 3 month break up I knew what was going down, but didn't REALLY know. If that makes sense.


When I have my sleepless nights they are because of two things. Thinking of her saying "cheating is the worst thing ever, people who do it should be shot" and then her doing it out of "drunken impulse". 2) The worst is no matter how hard I try I get mental pictures of some dude "with" my girl. I hope you get better with time my friend.

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Maybe youg guys are stronger than I am, but my sense is that if you let the girl get away with it, she knows you are a push-over. Love her, care for her and think she's got potential, but one cheat (a date, a kiss, a drunken romp) and you're done.


There are too many girls in the world who won't do this. Why hang for one second with one who will? I personally am very, very careful with any girl who has cheated in the past -- if she did it to someone else, she may do it to you. No sense in being angry or tortured about it; just don't put up with it.

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