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how do i help my flirting problem


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hey guys and gurls,


well i think i have a problem with my flirting and it is starting to make me worry about my future relationships with guys. ok...here is my problem i flirt to much and sometimes i dont even realize when i do it. i dont know how to stop flirting. It just comes so natural to me. i mean i flirt with every guy...even if i dont like them and will never date them i flirt with them. when ever i am talking to guys i flirt and i dont know how to just talk with a guy and not flirt. and here is my problem when i flirt with guys (most guys i flirt with i dont like) they start to like me and then they ask me out and i turn them down and the guys get so mad @ me because i am leading them on and most of the guys that asked me out and got turned down dont even talk to me any more. this has happened @ least 7 times in 2 school years and my friends are starting to get mad @ me b/c my friends would like a guy and i would hangout with that guy and their crush almost always likes me and then my friends crush would ask me out and history repeats itself and i geuss one reason is b/c i am not shy like most of my friends and will go up to guys that are very hot and intrduce my self and not to be conecited or arongant or anything but i am attractive...and with that and my personality, and my flirting i seem to attract the opposit sex and it is really bringing me down and i just dont know how or what to do to help this problem...please give me some advice asap b/c history repated itself to day and will probally agian if i dont stop...thank you



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Get use to it, your going to meet a lot of wussy guys that spent weeks getting up the courage to ask you out and then be so crushed when you say no that they wont talk to you anymore. Thats life, they will get over it, there is no reason you cant flirt with people, its fun, enjoy the fact that you are that social, a lot of people aren't.

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Listen.........its not exactly a flirting problem......it just means that well........u like 2 flirt.............every girl does it at least 50 times a day...........the only thing u can do is try ur absolute hardest 2 stop leading them on...............leading them on isnt the best thing u could do.........but yea........sumtimes its unhelpable...............as for them not talking 2 u anymore.................thats messed up........ive been turned down so many time (no comment on how many).......but im still really good friends with em.............a suggestion mite be 2 lie and say u go out with sum1...........until u find sum1 u like.........then flirt with him...........hope this helps some

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Give me some flirting tips 'coz i'm one of those pathetic people who has no trouble talking to guys but hasn't got a clue how to flirt. That'll make you feel better. XDDDD.


And then, you can look at all the things you've written down and try to practise NOT doing them while talking to someone.. I've heard someone say something like "try to not touch someone more than three times in a conversation" or something.. o.o?


Or you could just try to not hang out with your friends new crushes, if that is the problem? I dunno. o_o

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well kits it is very easy to flirt...the way i flirt is always smilimg at that guy. or when ur talking to him touch him or touching him lightly. (it shows that your into him but your not to clingy). and when yall get to be friends... when yall are talking to eachother push him away slighlyand lightly.another way is when you notice him starting at you...look back at him for a couple of seconds then smile at him( you are doing this all while making eye contact) for a couple of seconds and then look back down. oh and when u notice him looking at you put your hair on one of your shoulders so he can see your neck( the neck is a very sexual part of the body)(dont ask me why either it just is ). oh and if you have PE with this guy when you dress out dont be afaid to walk bye him with your shorts on, because let me tell you this guys love womens legs ( its is also a very sexual part of the body) and only do this if your confortable with showing a little leg...


okay i will give you an example of the way i flirt... one of the guys i acutally like i was in 2nd period with him and he wasnt giving me any of his attention (and i like attention from guys) so after class i playfully pushed him and told him that i was mad at him...and he said why and i said you know why and he gave me a BIG hug and was like i am sorry...and he hugged me agian and was like are you mad @ me now and i was like ummm..no...lol thats just one example...


hope it helps u with yoru flirting problem



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Thank you very much for that! ^-^

Now I know its natural, thats okay -- i've had random urges to do things like that (touching, pushing, smiling etc) alot, but I stop myself from doing them because.. well, I dont know, I thought they'd think me weird and start avoiding me or something. Now that I know its just normal flirting i'll just go ahead with it -- LoL, anyway, thank you alot.


And it seems like we've figured out your problem -- you like attention from guys! Hmm. Theres nothing wrong with harmless flirting, though I think, maybe, to avoid guys thinking you want to take things further with them, you should try to pay more attention to what you're doing: flirt to get attention, but maybe try and avoid too much physical contact, or skin-showing (or whatever it is you do that you find gets their attention easier). I'm sorry that I cant really give that good advice 'coz i'm not really a full-on-flirt, but hopefully that'll help. ^_^;



Thankyou for the help with my little problem anyway, sorry i'm so bad at explaining things too. Hope you get over this little hiccup, anyway. ^-^

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